Like Dust Thrown

T Ratings

Whenever I post a link to a video or essay etc anywhere on the site I will attempt to follow it with a ‘T rating’. The T rating says nothing about the quality of the source, but is instead supposed to be a rough guide to the technicality of the link, with scores ranging from 1 to 10, and translating something like:

  1. Child like simplicity.
  2. Almost universally appreciable.
  3. Suitable for the average, interested individual, and requiring no background knowledge.
  4. Limited, perhaps purely contextual, background knowledge will likely make this source more enjoyable.
  5. Difficult to appreciate without some background knowledge.
  6. Requires background knowledge at the level of ‘interested layperson’.
  7. Difficult to understand without some relevant previous study.
  8. Requires high level of interest and relevant background knowledge.
  9. Advanced prior knowledge required.
  10. Borderline impenetrable.

(This raiting system should act only as a very rough guide, and may well change.)

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